Digital electronic catalogue with the evidences of Masters Program with the activities done during the Academic Year.
Mini Lesson
Activity related with the use and application de digital and electronic devices in our classroom, tailoring an integrated activity which include the curricula with IT.
Collaborative Working
Trought the use of brain storm the class group members develope big lines to write an essay with main idea, supporting details, examples and references, using APA 7.
Experimental Task 1
Padlet Activity where eachone shared our digital tools applies for the educations, trough differente contexts for example: trainnig, organization, social media, educational tools
Creating a Mind Map
Activity done for for organize ideas in an controlled eviroment when each stutend can give and share their ideas focused in a final colaborative activity
Forums Works and interaction eachothers
Working in class with the interation trough the blogs and comment them with other partners.